Berchtesgadener Hof
The Berchtesgadener
Hof hotel had previously been the
"Grand Hotel Auguste Victoria," popular with visiting royalty. The
Nazis bought it in 1936, remodeled it and renamed it the Berchtesgadener Hof, and used it to house
dignitaries visiting Adolf Hitler's Berghof, such as the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain, and David Lloyd George. High-ranking Nazis such as Josef Goebbels, Heinrich
Himmler, and Joachim von Ribbentrop also stayed here, as did visiting military officers
such as Erwin Rommel. Eva Braun lived at the Berchtesgadener Hof when she first came to
Berchtesgaden, before moving into the Berghof. Later, Obersalzberg functionaries such as
Martin Bormann's brother Albert lived here, as did Hitler's sister Paula (incognito, as Paula
Wolf). After the U.S. Army occupied the area in May 1945, the Berchtesgadener Hof was the
scene of several high-ranking surrenders, including that of Field Marshal
Albert Kesselring.
The U.S. Army took over the Berchtesgadener Hof in
1945, and it was one of the show-pieces of the Armed Forces Recreation Center until 1995
(my father stayed here in 1946). The rear balconies and sun terrace were justly famed for
their view of the mountains. Sadly, when the U.S. Army left in late 1995, the famed hotel
was closed and locked, as it remained for several years until it was torn
down in 2006, to make way for a new "Haus der Berge" museum of the
luggage label from the Third Reich period shows the swastika flag flying
from the hotel roof (see close-up on right). (author's
collection) |
On the
left, British Prime Minister Neville
Chamberlain arrives at the Berchtesgadener Hof on 15 September 1938,
prior to meeting Hitler in the Berghof during preliminary talks that led to the Munich
Accords. On the right is a 1942 photo by Heinrich Hoffmann. (Bundesarchiv) |


Under new management
in 1945 - soldiers of the U.S. 101st
Airborne Division try their equestrian skills on the
streets of Berchtesgaden, as others guard the Berchtesgadener Hof doorway. On
the right, a view of the entryway before the hotel was torn down in
2006. ("The
Epic of the
101st Airborne," 101st Airborne Division Public Relations Office, Auxerre, France,
1945) |

In a rare color slide from the
summer of 1945, soldiers from the 101st Airborne Division tour the
Berchtesgadener Hof hotel. (U.S. National Archives,
RG342FH-A49863) |


close-up view of the sign over the main entrance shows that the letters
originally had neon lighting. The same style of lettering (perhaps even
the original letters) was retained in the word Hotel at the side of the
entrance. (still from a May 1945 U.S. Army movie; U.S. National
Archives) |


Berchtesgadener Hof hotel as my father saw it in the early spring of
1946, and as it appeared in 2004. |


Rear sun terrace of
the Berchtesgadener Hof hotel. (period photos taken by my father in 1946) |
Views of
the Berchtesgadener Hof from a postcard and a hotel pamphlet brought
back by my father in 1946. Interestingly, this pamphlet shows a swastika
flag flying over the hotel entrance, and it shows the hotel proprietor
as Gotthard Färber, who ran the hotel under the Nazi administration and
who became infamous for enforcing Martin Bormann's orders to evacuate
the Obersalzberg homes and farms that were torn down in the late 1930s. |
Berchtesgadener Hof as lodging for officers in the 1950s, and as it
appeared in October 2006, shortly before it was torn down. |

Entrance to the Berchtesgadener Hof
Hotel in the 1950s, under U.S. Army control.


Above -
inside the sun terrace doors was the Große Empfangshalle, or Large
Entry Hall, which served as a large parlor or salon; on the right is a view of this room
just before the building was torn down in 2006. Below left - A view of
this room from the 1945 hotel pamphlet Below right - This parlor room had its place in
history when Field Marshall Albert Kesselring (seated at left)
surrendered the German forces under his command to the U.S. Army here in May
1945. (U.S. Army photo, National Archives) |


Speisesaal, or Dining Hall in the
Berchtesgadener Hof. (above left - 1945 hotel pamphlet, below left -
period postcard) |


The Weinstube
or pub in the basement, from a period postcards (left) and as it appeared
in September 2006 (right). |


On the
left, the Frühstückzimmer, or
breakfast room. On the right, a comfortable double bedroom. (left -
period postcard; right - 1945 hotel pamphlet) |


central stairway, seen on the left in the 1945 hotel pamphlet. On the
right is a view of the bottom of the stairway, just inside the main
entrance, in 2006. The marble cladding was original to the Third Reich
period. |


On the
left, the main reception desk just inside the hotel entrance. The stairs
led up to the guest rooms. On the right is the modern kitchen in the
basement. |


the main Berchtesgadener Hof hotel were the garage and maintenance
buildings for the complex. These buildings, which survived the 2006
destruction of the main hotel buildings, appeared to be in the process of
demolition in October 2011 (below) - the upper story of the garage
building was already gone (although what's left of these buildings may be
incorporated into the Haus der Berge). |


the maintenance building was the complex air raid shelter, a Luftschutzraum
in the basement. This shelter contained original 1940-dated ventilation
equipment by the Dräger company of Lübeck (fortunately, this historic
original equipment was removed for preservation prior to the destruction
of the hotel buildings). Note the standard metal bunker door. |


original data plate for the Dräger ventilation apparatus shows it was
built in 1940. On the right is a Dräger gas vent - these simple weighted
vents were designed to open under the overpressure of the ventilation
system, but close automatically in case the system shut down. |


Part of
the original steam heating apparatus for the hotel, and the furnace room,
beneath the garage building. |


original items that could still be found at the site as the hotel was
being torn down. An original Third Reich period lamp in the rear of the
hotel, and a downspout pot, of the same style that could be found on the Platterhof
hotel before it was torn down. Someone must have recognized the
historic value of these two items, because they were gone in October 2011. |


of the ruins as the hotel was being demolished in September 2006. |
View other Berchtesgaden area Third Reich buildings and sites
to the Obersalzberg sites - Hitler's Berghof,
Bormann's and Göring's houses, Platterhof,
Gästehaus and Kampfhäusl,
Hotel Zum Türken, Gutshof
and Teehaus, Kehlsteinhaus,
SS barracks, bunker system,
SS guard houses,
miscellaneous Obersalzberg buildings.
Return to the Third Reich in
Ruins homepage
My guide
book to Third Reich sites in the Berchtesgaden and Obersalzberg area has
been published by Fonthill Media.
Berchtesgaden" is available at Amazon and other retailers (the
Kindle version is also available from Amazon). |

- Historic Films About Berechtesgaden and the Obersalzberg